As a curious soul, I appreciate qualitative studies that shed light on how we think and feel. This study investigates the physical therapists’ perspectives of cognitive functional training.
low back pain
Education: Placebo vs Intensive Pain Education Appear Equal
Last month this study rumbled around in my brain. I wonder if this study teaches us how not to do what something that does have supportive evidence.
Artificial Intelligence-Embedded Mobile App for Chronic Neck and Back Pain
Could a mobile app with artificial intelligence built into the program be helpful for patients?
Treatment Preference of People with Chronic Low Back Pain
We know that patient expectations and beliefs play a role in outcomes. Have you ever conversed about what interventions a patient expects to receive?
When is Surgery Indicated for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis?
In the majority of rehabilitation literature, the research focuses on treatment and interventions. Although this is a reasonable focus, I tend to believe it is just as valuable to know when surgical intervention is warranted.