In 2009 the Physician Quality Reporting Initiative included assessing for falls and creating plans to reduce falls. This research looking at claims data from 2012-2013 provides insight into clinical practice.
Should We Rethink How We Help Reduce Falls?
We know that when an older adult falls, there is a high likelihood of injury. Could we address reducing the rate of falls a bit differently in the clinic?
Motor-Cognitive Dual-Task Training in Patients with Dementia
If your patient happens to have mild to moderate dementia, is it possible to have an effect on the motor and cognitive functional ability?
Measures of Physical Performance and Muscle Strength as Predictors of Fracture Risk
For some reason, when I think of fracture risk, I immediately think of bone density. My thoughts are being challenged with this recent study.
Wearable Sensors and the Assessment of Frailty
Do the majority of the older adults we treat have an accurate perception of their physical activity level?