2023 Articles & Publications:
142. Deutscher, D., Kallen, M.A., Hayes, D., Werneke, M.W., Mioduski, J.E., Levenhagen, K., Pfarr, M., and Cook, K.F. Lower quadrant edema patient-reported outcome measure Is reliable, valid, and efficient for patients with lymphatic and venous disorders. Phys Ther, 2023. Provisionally Accepted.
143. Deutscher, D., Kallen, M.A., Hayes, D., Werneke, M.W., Mioduski, J.E., Toczylowski, T., Petitti, J.M., and Cook, K.F. The Stroke Upper and Lower Extremity Physical Function Measures Were Supported for Score Reliability, Validity, and Administration Efficiency for Patients Post Stroke. Phys Ther, 2023. Provisionally Accepted.
144. Deutscher, D., Kallen, M.A., Werneke, M.W., Mioduski, J.E., and Hayes, D. Reliability, Validity, and Efficiency of an Item Response Theory-Based Balance Confidence Patient-Reported Outcome Measure. Phys Ther, 2023. In press.
145. Edmond, S.L., Werneke, M.W., Grigsby, D., Young, M., and Harris, G. The association between self-efficacy on function and pain outcomes among patients with chronic low back pain managed using the McKenzie approach: a prospective cohort study. J Man Manip Ther, 2023. 31(1): p. 38-45. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35603569.
2022 Articles & Publications:
- Cheema C, Baldwin J, Rodeghero, Werneke MW et al. The effectiveness of post-professional physical therapist training in the treatment of chronic low back pain using a propensity score approach with machine learning. Musculoskeletal Care. 2022;1-16. https://doi.org/10.1002/msc.1626.
- Edmonds S, Werneke MW, Grigsby D, Young M, Harris G. The association between self-efficacy on function and pain outcomes among patients with chronic low back pain managed using the McKenzie approach: a prospective cohort study. JMMT 2022. DOI: 10.1080/10669817.2022.2075202: https://doi.org/10.1080/10669817.2022.2075202.
- Perreault T, Cummings M, Dommerholt J, Hayes D, Hobbs J. Periosteal Needling to the Cervical Articular Pillars as an Adjunct Intervention for Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain and Headache: A Case Report. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 3122. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12063122.
- Werneke MW, Deutscher D, Hayes D, Grigsby D, Mioduski J, Resnik L. Is Telerehabilitation a Viable Option for Patients With Low Back Pain? Associations Between Telerehabilitation and Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Phys Ther 2022;102:1–9. https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzac020
2021 Articles & Publications:
- Alodaibi F, Beneciuk J, Holmes R, Kareha S, Hayes D, Fritz J. The Relationship of the Therapeutic Alliance to Patient Characteristics and Functional Outcome During an Episode of Physical Therapy Care for Patients With Low Back Pain: An Observational Study. Phys Ther 2021; 101:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzab026.
- Burgess R, Lewis M, Hill JC. Musculoskeletal case-mix adjustment in a UK primary/community care cohort: Testing musculoskeletal models to make recommendations in this setting. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msksp.2021.102455
- Deutscher D, Kallen MA, Hayes D, Werneke MW, Mioduski JE, Tucker CA, Cook KF. The Lower Extremity Physical Function (LEPF) Patient-Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) was Reliable, Valid, and Efficient for Patients with Musculoskeletal Impairments. APMR 2021;102:1576-1587. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33684367.
- Deutscher D, Hayes D, Cook KF, Werneke MW, Tucker CA, et al. Upper Quadrant Edema Patient-Reported Outcome Measure was Reliable, Valid, and Efficient for Patients with Lymphatic and Venous Disorders. Phys Ther 2021;101 Issue 12, December 2021. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34636891.
- Rufa A, Kolber MJ, Rodeghero J, Cleland J. The impact of physical therapist attitudes and beliefs on the outcomes of patients with low back pain. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2021 Oct;55:102425.
- Tidhar D, Deutscher D, Armer JM. Lymphoedema, a significant health problem in Israel: A descriptive community-based study. Int Wound J. Nov 25 2020
- Werneke MW, Deutscher D, Grigsby D, Tucker CA, Mioduski JE, Hayes D. Telerehabilitation During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Outpatient Rehabilitation Settings: A Descriptive Study. Phys Ther 2021;101:1-11. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33848335
2020 Articles & Publications:
- Riley SP, Bialosky, Coronado RA. Are Changes in Fear-Avoidance Beliefs and Self-efficacy Mediators of Function and Pain at Discharge in Patients With Acute and Chronic Low Back Pain?JOSPT 2020;50:301-308.
- Walston Z, McLester C, McLester J. Effect of Low Back Pain Chronicity on Patient Outcomes Treated in Outpatient Physical Therapy: A Retrospective Observational Study. APMR 2020;101:861-869.
- Walston Z and McLester C. Importance of Early Improvement in the Treatment of Low Back Pain With Physical Therapy Spine 2020;45:534-540.
2019 Articles & Publications:
- Burgess R, Bishop A, Lewis M, Hill J. Models for case-mix adjustment of patient reported outcome measures (PROM) in musculoskeletal healthcare: A systematic review of the literature. Physiotherapy 2019;105:137-146.
- Cotter DJ and Hamilton-Cotter A. Physical Therapy Outpatient Practice Patterns for Treatment of Urinary Incontinence. Urologic Nursing 2019;39:111-118
- Deutscher D, Cook KF, Kallen M, Werneke MW, Hayes D, Mioduski JE, Woodhouse LJ, Stratford P. Clinical interpretation of the neck functional status computer adaptive test. JOSPT 2019; 49:875-886.
- Edmond SL, Werneke MW, Young M, Grigsby D, McGill T, McClenahan. Directional preference, cognitive behavioral interventions; and outcomes among patients with chronic low back pain: a prospective cohort study. Physiotherapy Research International 2019;e1773. https://doi.org/10.1002/pri.1773.
- Edmond SL, Werneke MW, Young M, Grigsby D, McGill T, McClenahan. Harris G. Cognitive behavioral interventions; and function and pain outcomes among patients with chronic neck pain managed with the McKenzie approach. Musculoskeletal Care 2019. https://doi.org/10.1002/msc.1440
- Harris LS, Freeman S, Wang YC. Astym® therapy improves FOTO® outcomes for patients with musculoskeletal disorders: an observational study. Ann Transl Med 2019; 7(Suppl 7):S251. doi:10.21037/atm.2019.04.09
- Lord DJ, Wright JR, Fung R et al. Integrated Physical Medicine at Employer-Sponsored Health Clinics Improves Quality of Care at Reduced Cost. JOEM 2019;61,382-390.
- Werneke MW, Deutscher D, Fritz J, Kallen M, Cook KF, et al. Associations between interim patient‑reported outcome measures and functional status at discharge from rehabilitation for non‑specific lumbar impairments. Quality Life Research 2019; https://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-019-02314-6.
Additional FOTO Articles & Publications in Earlier Peer-Reviewed Journals:
- Amato AL, Dobrzykowski EA, Nance T. The effect of timely onset of rehabilitation on outcomes in outpatient orthopedic practice: a preliminary report. J Rehabil Outcomes Meas. 1997;1(3):32-38.
- Brooks G, VanBeveren P, Dolphin M, Hart DL. Referral source and outcomes of physical therapy care in patients with low back pain. JOSPT, 2012;42(8):705-15.
- Childs D, Harman J, Rodeghero J, Horn M, George S. Implications of Practice Setting on Clinical Outcomes and Efficiency of Care in the Delivery of Physical Therapy Services. JOSPT, 2014: 44(12):955-963
- Cook KF, Kallen MA, Hayes D, Deutscher D, Fritz JM, Werneke MW, Mioduski JE. Calibration and validation of an item bank for measuring general physical function of patients in medical rehabilitation settings. Patient Related Outcome Measures. 2018;9:11-16. DOI https://doi.org/10.2147/PROM.S148788
- Cook C, Rodeghero J, Cleland J, Mintken P. A Preliminary Risk Stratification Model for Individuals with Neck Pain. Musculoskeletal Care 2015 Mar 2. DOI: 10.1002/msc.1098.
- Coronado RA, Alappattu MJ, Hart DL, George SZ. Total number and severity of comorbidities do not differ based on anatomical region of musculoskeletal pain. JOSPT, 2011;41(7):477-485.
- Crane PK, Hart DL, Gibbons LE, Cook KF. A 37-item shoulder functional status item pool had negligible differential item functioning. J Clin Epidemiol. 2006; 59(5):478-484.
- Deutscher D, Werneke MW, Hayes D, Mioduski JE, Cook KF, Fritz J, Woodhouse LJ, Stratford PW. Impact of risk-adjustment on provider ranking for patients with low back pain receiving physical therapy. JOSPT 2018;48:637-648.
- Deutscher D, Werneke M, Gottlieb D, Fritz J, Resnik L. Physical Therapists' Level of McKenzie Education, Functional Outcomes, and Utilization in Patients with Low Back Pain. JOSPT, 2014 Dec:44(12): 925-935
- Deutscher D, Hart DL, Crane PK, Dickstein R. Cross-cultural differences in knee functional status outcomes in a polyglot society represented true disparities not biased by differential item functioning. Phys Ther. 2010;90(12):1730-1742
- Deutscher D, Hart DL, Horn SD, Dickstein R, Gutvirtz M. Implementing an integrated electronic outcomes and electronic health record process to create a foundation for clinical practice improvement. Phys Ther. 2008;88(2):270-285.
- Deutscher D, Hart DL, Stratford PW, Dickstein. Construct validation of a knee-specific functional status measure: a comparative study between the United States and Israel. Phys Ther. 2011;91(7):1072-1084.
- Deutscher D, Horn SD, Dickstein R, Hart DL, Smout RJ, Gutvirtz M, Ariel I. Associations between treatment processes, patient characteristics, and outcomes in outpatient physical therapy practice. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2009;90(8):1349-1363.
- Di Fabio RP. Physical therapy for patients with TMD: a descriptive study of treatment, disability, and health status. J Orofacial Pain. 1998;12:124-135.
- Di Fabio RP, Boissonnault W. Physical therapy and health-related outcomes for patients with common orthopaedic diagnoses. JOSPT. 1998;27(3):219-230.
- Dobrzykowski EA, Nance T. The Focus On Therapeutic Outcomes (FOTO) outpatient orthopedic rehabilitation database: results of 1994-1996. J Rehabil Outcomes Meas. 1997;1(1):56-60.
- Elenburg JL, Foley BS, Roberts K, Bayliss AJ. Utilization of mechanical diagnosis and therapy (MDT) for the treatment of lumbar pain in the presence of known lumbar transverse process fractures: a case studyJMMT 2016;24:74-79.
- Edmond S, Cutrone G, Werneke MW et al. Association between Directional Preference and Centralization; and Pain and Functional Outcomes in Patients with Neck Pain. JOSPT 2014;44:68-75.
- George SZ, Coronado RA, Beneciuk JM, Valencia C, Werneke MW, Hart DL. Depressive symptoms, anatomical region, and clinical outcomes for patients seeking outpatient physical therapy for musculoskeletal pain. Phys Ther. 2011;91(3):358-372.
- Gozalo P, Resnik L, Silver B. Benchmarking Outpatient Rehabilitation Clinics Using Functional Status OutcomesHSR, 2016;51:768-789
- Hart DL. Assessment of unidimensionality of physical functioning in patients receiving therapy in acute, orthopedic outpatient centers. J Outcome Meas. 2000;4(1):413-430.
- Hart DL. Orthotics and Prosthetics National Office Outcomes Tool (OPOT): Initial reliability and validity assessment for lower extremity prosthetics. J Prosthetics and Orthotics. 1999;11(4):101-111
- Hart DL. Test-retest reliability of an abbreviated self-report overall health status measure. JOSPT. 2003;33(12):734-742.
- Hart DL. The power of outcomes: FOTO Industrial Outcomes Tool – Initial assessment. Work. 2001;16:39-51.
- Hart DL, Connolly JB. Pay-for-Performance for Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy: Medicare Part B Services. Final Report. Grant #18-P-93066/9-01: Health & Human Services/Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; 2006. http://www.cms.hhs.gov/TherapyServices/downloads/P4PFinalReport06-01-06.pdf.
- Hart DL, Cook KF, Mioduski JE, Teal CR, Crane PK. Simulated computerized adaptive test for patients with shoulder impairments was efficient and produced valid measures of function. J Clin Epidemiol. 2006;59(3):290-298.
- Hart DL, Deutscher D, Crane PK, Wang YC. Differential item functioning was negligible in an adaptive test of functional status for patients with knee impairments who spoke English or Hebrew. Qual Life Res. 2009;18(8):1067-1083.
- Hart DL, Deutscher D, Werneke MW, Holder J, Wang YC. Implementing computerized adaptive tests in routine clinical practice: experience implementing CATs. Applied Meas. 2010;11(3):288-303.
- Hart DL, Dobrzykowski EA. Impact of exercise history on health status outcomes in patients with musculoskeletal impairments. In: Schunk C, ed. Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Clinics of North America, Functional Outcomes. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders Company; 2000;9(1):1-16.
- Hart DL, Dobrzykowski EA. Influence of orthopaedic clinical specialist certification on clinical outcomes. JOSPT. 2000;30(4):183-193.
- Hart DL, Memoli RI, Mason B, Werneke MW. Developing a wellness program for people with multiple sclerosis. Inter J MS Care. 2011;13(4):154-162.
- Hart DL, Mioduski JE, Stratford PW. Simulated computerized adaptive tests for measuring functional status were efficient with good discriminant validity in patients with hip, knee, or foot/ankle impairments. J Clin Epidemiol. 2005;58(6):629-638.
- Hart DL, Mioduski JE, Werneke MW, Stratford PW. Simulated computerized adaptive test for patients with lumbar spine impairments was efficient and produced valid measures of function. J Clin Epidemiol. 2006;59(9):947-956.
- Hart DL, Stratford PW, Werneke MW, Deutscher D, Wang Y-C. Lumbar computerized adaptive test and modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire: relative validity and important change. JOSPT, 2012;42(6):541-51.
- Hart DL, Tepper S, Lieberman D. Changes in health status for persons with wrist or hand impairments receiving occupational or physical therapy. Am J Occup Ther. 2001;55:68-74.
- Hart DL, Wang YC, Cook KF, Mioduski JE. A computerized adaptive test for patients with shoulder impairments produced responsive measures of function. Phys Ther. 2010;90(6):928-938.
- Hart DL, Wang YC, Stratford PW, Mioduski JE. Computerized adaptive test for patients with knee impairments produced valid and sensitive measures of function. J Clin Epidemiol. 2008;61(11):1113-1124.
- Hart DL, Wang YC, Stratford PW, Mioduski JE. Computerized adaptive test for patients with foot or ankle impairments produced valid and sensitive measures of function. Qual Life Res. 2008;17(8):1081-1091.
- Hart DL, Wang YC, Stratford PW, Mioduski JE. Computerized adaptive test for patients with hip impairments produced valid and sensitive measures of function. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008;89:2129-2139.
- Hart DL, Werneke MW, Deutscher D, George SZ, Stratford PW. Effect of fear-avoidance beliefs of physical activities on a model that predicts risk-adjusted functional status outcomes. JOSPT. 2011;41(5):336-345.
- Hart DL, Werneke MW, George SZ, Deutscher D. Screening for elevated levels of depressive and somatization symptoms in patients receiving outpatient physical therapy. Qual Life Res. 2011, online first 6/10/11 http://www.springerlink.com/content/4m14515w2877n106/
- Hart DL, Werneke MW, Deutscher D, George SZ, Stratford PW. Using intake and change in multiple psychosocial measures to predict functional status outcomes in people with lumbar spine syndromes: a preliminary analysis. Phys Ther. 2011:91(12):1-14.
- Hart DL, Werneke MW, George SZ, Matheson JW, Wang YC, Cook KF, Mioduski JE, Choi SW. Screening for elevated levels of fear-avoidance beliefs regarding work or physical activities in patients receiving outpatient therapy. Phys Ther. 2009;89(8):770-785.
- Hart DL, Werneke MW, Wang YC, Stratford PW, Mioduski JE. Computerized adaptive test for patients with lumbar spine impairments produced valid and responsive measures of function. Spine. 2010;35(24):2157-2164.
- Hart DL, Wright BD. Development of an index of physical functional health status. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2002;83(5):655-665.
- Jette AM, Delitto A. Physical therapy treatment choices for musculoskeletal impairments. Phys Ther. 1997;77(2):145-154.
- Jette DU, Jette AM. Physical therapy and health outcomes in patients with knee impairments. Phys Ther. 1996;76(11):1178-1187.
- Jette DU, Jette AM. Physical therapy and health outcomes in patients with spinal impairments. Phys Ther. 1996;76(9):930-945.
- Jette DU, Jette AM. Professional uncertainty and treatment choices by physical therapists. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1997;78:1346-1351.
- Jewell DV, Riddle DL. Interventions that increase or decrease the likelihood of a meaningful improvement in physical health in patients with sciatica. Phys Ther. 2005;85(11):1139-1150.
- Jewell DV, Riddle DL, Thacker LR. Interventions associated with an increased or decreased likelihood of pain reduction and improved function in patients with adhesive capsulitis: a retrospective cohort study. Phys Ther. 2009;89(5):419-429.
- Katzap Y, Haidukov M, Berland OM. Additive Effect of Therapeutic Ultrasound in the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JOSPT 2018;48:847-855.
- Lehman LA, Sindhu BS, Johnson J, Velozo CA. Creating a clinically useful data collection form for the DASH questionnaire. Am J Occup Ther. 2011;65(1):45-54.
- Lehman LA, Sindhu BS, Shechtman O, Romero S, Velozo CA. A comparison of the ability of two upper extremity assessments to measure change in function. J Hand Ther. 2010;23:31-40.
- Lehman LA, Woodbury M, Velozo CA. Examination of the factor structure of the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand Questionnaire. Am J Occup Ther, 2011;65(2):169-178.
- Linz DH, Shepherd CD, Ford LF, Ringley LL, Klekamp J, Duncan JM. Effectiveness of occupational medicine center-based physical therapy. J Occup Environ Med. 2002;44:48-53.
- Marino MJ. Outcomes management: a new paradigm for leadership. J Rehabil Outcomes Meas. 1997;1(3):58-62.
- Nof L, Rone-Adams S, Hart DL. Relation between payer source and functional outcomes, visits and treatment duration in US patients with lumbar dysfunction. The Internet Journal of Applied Health Sciences and Practice. 2007;5(2):1-8. http://ijahsp.nova.edu/articles/vol5num2/nofarticle.pdf
- Resnik L, Feng Z, Hart DL. State regulation and the delivery of physical therapy services. Health Serv Res. 2006;41(4 Pt 1):1296-1316.
- Resnik L, Gozalo P, Hart DL. Weighted index explained more variance in physical function than an additively scored functional comorbidity scale. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64(3)320-330.
- Resnik L, Hart DL. Using clinical outcomes to identify expert physical therapists. Phys Ther. 2003;83(11):990-1002.
- Resnik L, Hart DL. Influence of advanced orthopaedic certification on clinical outcomes of patients with low back pain. JMMT 2004;12(1):32-43.
- Resnik L, Jensen GM. Use of clinical outcomes to explore the theory of expert practice in physical therapy. Phys Ther. 2003;83(12):1090-1106.
- Resnik L, Liu D, Mor V, Hart DL. Predictors of physical therapy clinic performance in the treatment of patients with low back pain syndromes. Phys Ther. 2008;88(9):989-1004.
- Resnik L, Liu D, Hart DL, Mor V. Benchmarking physical therapy clinic performance: statistical methods to enhance internal validity when using observational data. Phys Ther. 2008;88(9):1078-1087.
- Rodeghero J, et al., The Impact of physical therapy residency or fellowship education on clinical outcomes for patients with musculoskeletal conditions JOSPT 2015,45(2):86-96
- Rodeghero JR, Cleland JA, Mintken PE, Cook CE. Risk stratification of patients with shoulder pain seen in physical therapy practice. J Eval Clin Pract. 2017 Apr;23(2):257-263.
- Rodeghero JR, et al., Risk stratification of patients with low back pain seen in physical therapy practice, Manual Therapy, 2015,20(6):855-860.
- Rone-Adams S, Nof L, Hart DL, Sandro C, Wang YC. Investigating physiotherapy and occupational therapy students’ outcome effectiveness. Inter J Ther Rehabil. 2009;16(3):167-173.
- Saban, B, Deutscher D, Ziv T. Deep massage to posterior calf muscles in combination with neural mobilization exercises as a treatment for heel pain: A pilot randomized clinical trial. Manual Therapy 2014;19:102-108.
- Saban B, Masharawi Y. Pain threshold tests in patients with heel pain syndrome Foot Ankle April 4th 2016; pages 1-7
- Salamh PA, Reiman M, Cleland J, Mintken P, Rodeghero J, Cook CE. Risk Stratification for 4,837 Individuals with Knee Pain Who Receive Physical Therapy Treatment. Musculoskeletal Care July 2016
- Schenk R, Lawrence H, Lorenzetti J, Markshall W, Whelan G, Zeiss R. The relationship between Quebec Task Force Classification and outcome in patients with low back pain treated through mechanical diagnosis and therapy. JMMT 2016;24::21-25
- Schmitt, J. Abbot, J. Global Ratings of Change Do Not Accurately Reflect Functional Change Over Time in Clinical PracticeJOSPT, 2015;45(2):106–111.
- Sindhu BS, Lehman LA, Tarima S, Bishop MD, Hart DL, Klein MR, Shivakoti M, Wang YC. Influence of fear-avoidance beliefs on functional status outcomes for people with musculoskeletal conditions of the shoulder. Phys Ther, 2012;92(8):992-1005.
- Sindhu BS, Wang YC, Lehman LA, Hart DL. Differential item functioning in a computerized adaptive test of functional status for patients with shoulder impairments is negligible across pain intensity, gender, and age groups. Occup Ther J Res. 2013; 33(2):86-99.
- Stratford PW, Hart DL, Binkley JM, Kennedy DM, Alcock GK, Hanna SE. Interpreting lower extremity functional status scores. Physiother Can. 2005;57:154-162.
- Swinkels ICS, van den Ende CHM, de Bakker D, van der Wees J, Hart DL, Deutscher D, van den Bosch WJH, Dekker J. Clinical databases in physical therapy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2007;23(3):153-167.
- Swinkels ICS, Hart DL, Deutscher D, van den Bosch WJH, Dekker J, de Bakker DH, van den Ende CHM. Comparing patient characteristics and treatment processes in patients receiving physical therapy in the United States, Israel and the Netherlands. Cross sectional analyses of data from three clinical databases. BMC Health Services Research 2008;8:163.
- Tidhar D, Deutscher D, Armer JM. Construct validity of functional status scores of patients with lymphedema. Lymphology 2018;51:160-173.
- Wang YC, Bhagwant S, Lehman L, Li K et al. Rasch Analysis of the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale in Older Adults Seeking Outpatient Rehabilitation Services. JOSPT 2018;48(7):574-583.
- Wang YC,Hart DL, Cook KF, Mioduski JE. Translating shoulder computerized adaptive testing generated outcome measures into clinical practice. J Hand Therapy. 2010;23(4):372-83.
- Wang YC, Hart DL, Mioduski JE. Characteristics of patients seeking outpatient rehabilitation for pelvic floor dysfunction. Phys Ther. 2012;92(9):1160-74.
- Wang YC, Hart DL, Stratford PW, Mioduski JE. Baseline dependency of minimal clinically important improvement. Phys Ther, 2011;91(5):675-688.
- Wang YC, Hart DL, Stratford PW, Mioduski JE. Clinical interpretation of computerized adaptive test outcomes measures in patients with foot/ankle impairments. JOSPT. 2009;39(10:753-764.
- Wang YC, Hart DL, Stratford PW, Mioduski JE. Clinical interpretation of a lower-extremity functional scale-derived computerized adaptive test. Phys Ther. 2009;89(9):957-968.
- Wang YC,Hart DL, Stratford PW, Mioduski JE. Clinical interpretation of computerized adaptive test-generated outcome measures in patients with knee impairments. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2009;90(8):1340-8.
- Wang YC,Hart DL, Werneke MW, Stratford PW, Mioduski JE. Clinical interpretation of outcomes measures generated from a lumbar computerized adaptive test. Phys Ther. 2010;90(9):1323-1335.
- Wang YC, Hart DL, Deutscher D, Yen SC, Mioduski JE. Psychometric properties and practicability of the self-report Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire (UIQ) in patients with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) seeking outpatient rehabilitation. Phys Ther. 2013; 93(8):1116-29.
- Wang YC, Hart DL, Mioduski J. Characteristics of patients seeking outpatient rehabilitation for pelvic floor dysfunction. Physical Therapy 2012;92(9):1160-1174
- Wang et al.,The development and psychometric properties of the patient self-report neck functional status questionnaire (NFSQ) JOSPT 2015,45:683-692
- Wang YC, Deutscher D et al. The self-report fecal incontinence and constipation questionnaire in patients with pelvic-floor dysfunction seeking outpatient rehabilitation. Physical Therapy 2014;94:273-288
- Wang YC, Bhagwant S, Lehman L, Li K et al. Rasch Analysis of the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale in Older Adults Seeking Outpatient Rehabilitation ServicesJOSPT 2018;48(7):574 583. Epub 30 Mar 2018
- Werneke MW, Edmond S, Young M, Grigsby D, McClenahan B, McGill T. Association Between Changes in Function Among Patients with Lumbar Impairments Classified According to the STarT Back Screening Tool and Managed by McKenzie Credentialed Physiotherapists. Physiotherapy Theory & Practice 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593985.2018.1490839
- Werneke MW, Edmond S, Young M, Grigsby D, McClenahan B, McGill T. Directional Preference and Functional Outcomes Among Subjects Classified at High Psychosocial Risk using STarT. Physiother Res Int 2018; e1711. https://doi.org/10.1002/pri.1711
- Werneke MW, Hart DL, Cutrone G, Oliver D, McGill T, Grigsby D, Ward J, Weinberg J, Oswald W. Association between directional preference and centralization in patients with low back pain. JOSPT. 2011;41(1):22-31.
- Werneke MW, Hart DL, Deutscher D, Stratford PW. Clinician’s ability to identify neck and low back interventions: an inter-rater chance-corrected agreement study. JMMT. 2011;19(3):172-181.
- Werneke MW, Hart DL, George SZ, Deutscher D, Stratford PW. Change in somatization or depressive symptoms affects functional status change in patients with lumbar impairments. JOSPT. 2011;41(12):969-980.
- Werneke MW, Hart DL, Oliver D, McGill T, Grigsby D, Ward J, Weinberg J, Oswald W, Cutrone G. Prevalence of classification methods for patients with lumbar impairments using the McKenzie Syndromes, Pain Pattern, Manipulation and Stabilization Clinical Prediction Rules. J Manipulation Manual Treatment. 2010;18(4):197-204.
- Werneke MW, Hart DL, Resnik L, Stratford PW, Reyes A. Centralization: prevalence and effect on treatment outcomes using a standardized operational definition and measurement method. JOSPT. 2008;38(3):116-125.
- Werneke MW, Hart DL, George SZ, Stratford PW, Matheson JW, Keyes A. Clinical outcomes for patients classified by fear-avoidance beliefs and centralization phenomenon. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2009;90:768-777.
- Werneke, MW, Deutscher, D, Hart DL, Stratford, PW et al. McKenzie Lumbar Classification: Inter-Rater Agreement by Physical Therapists with Different Levels of Formal McKenzie Post-graduate Training. Spine 2014;39:E182-E190.
- Werneke M, Deutscher D, Hart D, Stratford P, Ladin J, Weinberg J, Herbowy S, Reskik L. McKenzie Lumbar Classification: Inter-rater Agreement by Physical Therapists With Different Levels of Formal McKenzie Postgraduate Training Spine Journal 2014 Feb:39(3): 182-190
- Werneke M Edmond S, Deutscher D, Ward J Grigsby D, Young Mi, McGill T, McClenahan B, Weinberg J, Davidow AL. Effect of Adding McKenzie Syndrome, Centralization, Directional Preference, and Psychosocil Classification Variables to a Risk-Adjusted Model Predicting Functional Status Outcomes for Patients with Lumbar Impairments. JOSPT July 2016,46:726-741
- White LJ, Velozo CA. The use of Rasch measurement to improve the Oswestry classification scheme. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002;83(6):822-833.
FOTO Collaboration Research
The 2 publications listed below by Lentz et al were developed by a Duke/FOTO collaboration which was originally supported by the FOTO’s D.L. Hart Memorial Outcomes Research Grant awarded March 2018.
- Lentz TA, Kallen MA, Deutscher D, George SZ. Development of Reliable and Valid Negative Mood Screening Tools for Orthopaedic Patients with Musculoskeletal Pain. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2022 Feb 1;480(2):313-324. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34878414/
- Lentz TA, Kallen MA, Deutscher D, George SZ. Efficient Screening for Fear of Movement in Outpatient Settings: Short Form and Computer Adaptive Tests for Fear Avoidance and Negative Pain Coping. Phys Ther. 2022 Jan 12 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35022785/
Letters to Editor:
- Werneke MW. Correspondence: A proposed set of metrics for standardized outcome reporting in the management of low back pain. Acta Orthopaedica 2016;87(1):88-90.
- Werneke MW, Hayes D, Deutscher D. Clinical Utility of the Oswestry Disability Index For Measuring Function of Patients with Low Back Pain. Spine J 2018;18: 712-713.
- Werneke M. Criteria for Recommending a Patient Self-Report Functional Outcome. APMR 2017;98:191-193.
Abstracts of National Presentations:
2022 CSM Platforms:
- Kallen M, Orhbach R, Deutscher D, Sharma S, Hayes D, Werneke MW. The Revised Item Response Theory–Based Jaw Functional Limitation Scale was Reliable, Valid, and Efficient. JOSPT 2022;52:CSM5-6.
- Deutscher D, Hayes, D, Kallen MA, Werneke MW et al. Stroke Upper and Lower Extremity Physical Function Patient-Reported Outcome Measures Were Reliable, Valid, and Efficient. CSM 2022 NE11507.
Other Abstracts & National Presentations:
- Brooks J. Physical therapy outcomes by referral source in patients with low back pain. CSM 2008.
- Brooks J, Hart DL. Use of outcomes analyses to direct continuing education needs for physical therapists. CSM 1999.
- Cook CE, Hart DL. Determining best practices through outcomes for therapists treating patients with low back impairments. CSM 1999.
- Deutscher D. Clinical Interpretation of the Neck Functional Status Computer Adaptive Test. CSM Washington, DC. 2019.
- Deutscher D, Hart D. Longitudinal and construct validity of a computerized adaptive testing functional status outcome measure. WCPT 2007.
- Deutscher D, Hart DL, Horn S, Dickstein R, Gutvirtz M. Implementing an integrated electronic outcomes and electronic health record process to create a foundation for clinical practice improvement. WCPT 2007.
- Deutscher D, Horn S, Dickstein R, Hart DL, Smout R, Gutvirtz M, Ariel A. Associations between treatment processes, patient characteristics and outcomes in outpatient physical therapy. CSM 2010.
- George S, Beneciuk J, Valencia C, Coronada R, Hart DL. Depressive symptoms influence musculoskeletal pain intensity more than anatomical location for patients seeking outpatient physical therapy. ISAP 2010 World Congress.
- Gozalo P, Hart DL, Resnik L. Benchmarking outpatient rehabilitation clinics. CSM 2010.
- Hart DL. Assessment of unidimensionality of physical functioning in patients receiving therapy in acute, orthopedic outpatient centers. CSM 2000.
- Hart DL. Computerized adaptive administration of an index of functional health status to improve patient management. CSM 2001.
- Hart DL. Computerized adaptive testing: application in outcomes measurement. CSM 2002.
- Hart DL. Construct validity of a measure of physical functional health status. APTA 2001.
- Hart DL. Development of an index of functional health status. CSM 2001.
- Hart DL. Demographic variables related to outcome in acute orthopedic rehabilitation. ACRM 1997.
- Hart DL. Development of an index for functional health status in rehabilitation. 3rd International Outcome Measurement Conference 2000.
- Hart DL. Effect of change in health status prior to rehabilitation on clinical outcomes. APTA 2000.
- Hart DL. Effect of medication use on change in health status. APTA 2000.
- Hart DL. Equating Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire and Neck Disability Index into a functional health status item bank. CSM 2003.
- Hart DL. Hierarchical order and unidimensionality of the SF-36 physical functioning scale in patients with cervical or lumbar syndromes. ACRM 1998.
- Hart DL. Improving the precision of measures of physical functional health status. APTA 2001.
- Hart DL. Effect of risk adjustment on practice patterns for low back pain. CSM 1998.
- Hart DL. Geographic differences in rehabilitation outcomes. CSM 1998.
- Hart DL. Orthotics & Prosthetics National Office Outcomes Tool (OPOT): Initial reliability and validity. CSM 2000.
- Hart DL. Predictive validity of a patient self-report outcomes process. CSM 2004.
- Hart DL. Unidimensionality testing of the Spinal Function Sort. CSM 2004.
- Hart DL. Validity and relative precision of a health status measure: comparison of Likert and Rasch scoring models. CSM 2002.
- Hart DL, Amato A, Marino MJ. Managing a practice using a P&L and patient outcomes. CSM 1998.
- Hart DL, Connolly JB, Scott K, Werneke MW. Development of an outcomes-based pay-for-performance process for outpatient physical and occupational therapy. CSM 2007.
- Hart DL, Connolly JB, Scott K, Werneke MW. Feasibility of implementing an outcomes-based pay-for-performance process for outpatient physical and occupational therapy: Medicare Part B. CSM 2007.
- Hart DL, Connolly JB, Scott K, Werneke MW. Using an outcomes-based pay-for-performance process for outpatient therapy to encourage evidence-based treatment: a real data simulation. WCPT 2007.
- Hart DL, Cook K, Mioduski J, Teal C. Assessing functional outcomes measures for people with shoulder impairments through computerized adaptive testing. CSM 2005.
- Hart DL, Dobrzykowski EA. Development of a rehabilitation outcomes measurement tool for post acute rehab: preliminary results. CSM 1998.
- Hart DL, Dobrzykowski EA. Effect of exercise history on clinical outcomes. CSM 1999.
- Hart DL, Dobrzykowski EA. Effect of orthopedic specialist certification on clinical outcomes. CSM 1999.
- Hart DL, Dobrzykowski EA. Patterns of outcomes for patients with carpal tunnel syndromes. CSM 1998.
- Hart DL, Dobrzykowski EA. Response consistency in patient self-report of health status. CSM 2000.
- Hart DL, Kosinski M. SF-12 & SF-36 physical functioning scales comparison in patients receiving therapy. APTA 1998.
- Hart DL, Mioduski J, Werneke MW, Stratford P. Using computerized adaptive testing to improve the efficiency of outcomes data collection. WCPT 2007.
- Hart DL, Mioduski J, Stratford P. Improving functional outcomes measures for people with lower extremity impairments through computerized adaptive testing. CSM 2005.
- Hart DL, Werneke MW, George SZ. Fear-avoidance beliefs of physical activities and risk-adjusted functional status for patients with lumbar impairments. CSM 2010.
- Hart DL, Connolly JB, Scott K, Werneke MW. Development of an outcomes-based pay-for-performance process for outpatient physical and occupational therapy. AcademyHealth 2006. http://www.academyhealth.org/2006/abstracts/PartII/QualityMeasuringReportingRewardingPerformance.pdf
- Hayes, D. Upper Extremity Regional Swelling Physical Function measure: Development, Calibration, and Initial Validation. CSM Washington, DC. 2019.
- Jewell DV, Riddle DL. Mobilization and exercise increases the likelihood of a meaningful improvement in disability in patients with sciatica. CSM 2004.
- Resnik L. Use of outcomes measurement for identification of therapists with clinical expertise. CSM 2003.
- Resnik L. Use of clinical outcomes data for physical therapist provider profiling. Quality and Patient Safety, 2003.
- Resnik L, Hart DL. Methodology for profiling outpatient rehabilitation clinics based upon patient outcomes. CSM 2004.
- Resnik L, Feng Z, Hart DL. Delegation of care to support personnel in outpatient physical therapy: implications for quality and efficiency. AcademyHealth 2005.
- Resnik L, Liu D, Mor V, Normand S, Hart DL. Profiling providers of outpatient physical therapy. AcademyHealth 2006.https://www.academyhealth.org/files/2006/abstracts/PartII/QualityMeasuringImprovingQuality.pdf
- Resnik L, Liu D, Mor V, Normand S, Hart DL. Provider profiling of outpatient physical therapy practices. CSM 2007.
- Wang YC, Deutscher D, Yen SC, Mioduski JE. The self-report Fecal Incontinence and Constipation Questionnaire (FICQ) in patients with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM), Orlando, FL, Nov 14, 2013.
- Werneke MW. Associations between Frequency and Timing of Interim Patient-Report Outcome Measures and Functional Status at Discharge from Physical Therapy for Common Musculoskeletal Impairments. CSM Washington, DC. 2019
- Werneke MW, Hart DL, Cutrone G, McGill T, Oliver D, Weinberg J. Prevalence and prognostic validity of directional preference determined during the examination of patients with lumbar impairments. CMS 2010.
- Werneke MW. Associations between Frequency and Timing of Interim Patient-Report Outcome Measures and Functional Status at Discharge from Physical Therapy for Common Musculoskeletal Impairments. CSM Washington, DC. 2019
- Werneke MW, Hart DL, Cutrone G, McGill T, Oliver D, Weinberg J. Prevalence of classification methods for patients with lumbar impairments using the McKenzie system and pain pattern classification when patients are grouped by spinal manipulation or stabilization clinical prediction rules. CMS 2010.
Masters Theses:
- Bruce JA, Eppers BC, VanHiel LR. Investigating physical therapy treatment outcomes for patients with shoulder pathology: is reimbursement type a factor? North Georgia College & State University, 1999.
- Chism K. Differences in perceived treatment outcomes in patients with low back pain based on amount of delay of physical therapy intervention. Southwest Texas State University, 1998.
- Schwanz LA. Health status, goal attainment, and number of visits of knee impaired physical therapy patients: a comparison of HMO vs. fee-for-service insurance plans. Southwest Texas State University, 1998.
Doctoral Dissertations:
- Deutscher D. Patient Characteristics, Treatment Processes and Functional Outcomes, in Outpatient Physical Therapy Clinics. University of Haifa, Israel, 2010.
- Jewell DRV. Practice variation in physical therapy: Development of a causal model using the disorders adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder and sciatica. Virginia Commonwealth University, 2003.
- Lehman LA. Responsiveness comparison of two upper extremity outcome measures. University of Florida, 2008.
- Resnik Mellion L. Clinician and organizational factors associated with outcomes effectiveness in the treatment of patients with low back pain. Nova Southeastern University, 2002.
- White LJ. Measuring outcomes in patients with low back pain. University of Chicago, 1998.
Articles and Abstracts Appearing in Non-refereed Journals:
- Amato, A. Can Collection outcomes be a revenue generator for your practice? Advance for Physical Therapy and Rehab Medicine, 2016, Dec. 15
- Brooks J. Measuring up. FOTO’s services improve care. Advance for Directors in Rehabilitation. February 1998, p. 66.
- Cook C. Use of outcomes to determine best practices for therapists treating patients with low back impairments. Medical Outcomes Trust Bulletin. 1998;6(2):6.
- Hart DL. Effect of risk-adjustment on disability tables. PT Magazine. November 1997, p. 36.
- Hart DL, Geril AC, Pfohl RL. Outcomes process in daily practice. PT Magazine. September, 1997;68-77.
- Kaplan S. Use of external benchmarking in patients with low back impairments receiving workers’ compensation benefits. Medical Outcomes Trust Bulletin. 1998;6(2):4.
- Porter R. Feeling the squeeze. As MCOs continue to cut costs, protect yourself with outcomes. Advance for Directors in Rehabilitation. October 1999, pp. 14-17.
Poster Presentations at National Conferences
- Reid, E. Student Physical Therapist Clinical Outcomes as Measured with the FOTO Tool: An Observational Study. CSM Washington, DC. 2019
- Vraa, DL. Clinical Justification to include thoracic and rib manipulations on a patient with shoulder pain who does not meet a clinical prediction rule: A single case study. CSM 2014
- Vraa, DL.Clinical Rationale to Use Dry Needling for Recalcitrant Lumbar Radiculopathy: A Case Study . AAOMPT conference, Louisville, Oct 2015
- Walston, Z. Assessing the potential relationship between FOTO outcomes and total number of physical therapy treatment visits for patients with low back pain. CSM Washington, DC. 2019
- Werneke MW et al. Prevalence of Classification Methods for Patients with Lumbar Impairments using the McKenzie System, Pain Pattern, Manipulation and Stabilization Clinical Prediction Rules . McKenzie Conference Baltimore 2010.